
Welcome to the blog of Tommy Moore, a founder trained and certified facilitator in the Paterson Strategic Operating Plan Process (tm) and LifePlan Process (tm).

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Moses is dead

The Lord is beginning to speak directly to Joshua.

In Joshua 1:3, the Lord says to Joshua “ Wherever you set your foot, I have already given the land to you.” The emphasis on already is mine.

There is both a future and present promise encased in these words. Wherever implies not yet. Joshua and the people have not even crossed the Jordon! But the second part of the sentence is most striking; already.  A present promise.

This scripture appeared first on Saturday morning in a devotion I read every day. Today, the same scripture was in my bible reading.

I believe this scripture has great meaning for us, for JumpStart today. You see, the urgency Michael called us to last summer is rapidly taking on a life of its on. There is a feeling of purpose, of something larger than us. People are meeting and giving of themselves sacrificially.

Last week, our planning team met with Rob West, one of the directions of the Piedmont Women’s Center, at the sight of their new building. Piedmont Women’s Center ( PWC) is the CPC of Greenville County ( although in Rob’s eyes he said what Alexia is doing at CPC is the desire of all other similar programs!). Here is the GOD SIZE deal! A 2.2 million dollar building is being built for PWC led by FIVE General Contractors and dozens of sub-contractors who are managing themselves and donating ALL COST related to the building.  PWC will end up with a completely paid for and furnished building.

Rob told us money is flowing in ( they started essentially a building campaign a year ago) at such a rate they are having to get creative with what to do about the excess!!!. We witnessed a work of our Lord that left us almost speechless.

He shared with us the secret sauce (and it made me think of Alexia, again), prayer. For more than a year they all pause at noon on Thursday to pray. On the job site, each week a different church brings lunch and the whole work site comes together for prayer and a meal.

Our own prayer team led by Lisa is working on a similar plan right now.

Rob told us another story that really stuck with all of us. Rob lives next door to a peach orchard. Each year after the harvest, he asks the owner if he can pick what’s left behind with his grandsons. Rob said, “you know, I go in the peach orchard every year and hardly put a dent in what’s been left behind”.  Rob shared with us he feels this represents the provision available to God’s people.

We left this meeting and went to Dwayne's office. Dwayne is the Architect who is donating his time to create a vision of what can be for JumpStart’s Phase 2 village. 

While we have watched what began as a very simple idea develop into a fully functional campus for our phase 2 participants, the 4 of us present were completely in awe of what God is stirring. Not only has Dwayne dedicated and donated significant time to this vision, but Buddy of Roebuck builders is donating his time as project manager. A Civil Engineer and Landscape Architect have stepped forward to donate their time and expense. We even have someone willing to put down earnest money should suitable land be found. Also, someone has come forward to donate an artist rendering of the campus and site plan.

I share all of this with you for one purpose; to join me in celebrating what God is creating in our midst. 

I earnestly ask you join me in praying for this emerging endeavor. The ending of the Joshua story is sad. The Israelites only went 1/3 of the way the Lord promised them. They quit early.

Let our story be a story of fulfilling all our Lord has in store for us.

Yours in Christ,
