
Welcome to the blog of Tommy Moore, a founder trained and certified facilitator in the Paterson Strategic Operating Plan Process (tm) and LifePlan Process (tm).

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Value of Church as Community

Why Church matters

I have shared with you in the past that I read two books each morning along with scripture as part of my daily devotion. They are 'Imitation of Christ' by Thomas a' Kempis and 'The Cost of Discipleship' by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

I gain tremendous insight from the wisdom of the ages passed down by these great Christian thinkers. I am often amazed at how closely the two readings will line up in message on some mornings even though they were written centuries apart.

I have been in a season of reading about the Church, why it was established and what purpose it serves. Rather than recount this for you, I strongly encourage you to dive deep into this subject for yourself. I want to share the one point that I have gained most clearly from this text. Church is community. Wow, wasn't that amazing? Did you feel that burst of insight? No?

I add my sarcasm because for anyone on the discipleship journey you already know this. I am, however, often reminded in the LifePlan process how we can take this for granted. Many LifePlanners will admit a lack of connection or distancing with their current church. Many times in our Lifeplan plan of action we will discuss investigating and finding a church that feels like home.

As Bonhoeffer points out in the side bar quote, we can only exist fully in one of two worlds, the Church or the World. We serve the World through the discipline and dispatch of the Church. We are 'sent' into the world.

From where are you sent?

In John 20:21 Jesus says " Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

What's Important Now?

Are you fulfilled and connected to a church community?

If not, Let's talk.


PS Again, thank you ALL for the forwards and sharing. My distribution list has DOUBLED in 3 months. Please continue to forward, comment on facebook and twitter. I love and appreciate you all.