Clear View for LifePlanners 8/10
The following are comments from one of my Paterson Colleagues, Linda Lindquist-Bishop. Almost daily Linda sends out a commentary with a Daily Spiritual Vitamin (DSV). DSV is authored and distributed nationally by Diane Garazin.
I chose this particular commentary and DSV to share with you in this Clear View because I was not familiar with Jeremiah 33:3. As Linda points out, who among us can fear, can wallow in self pity or self doubt, can worry if we believe 33:3 to be true?! I challenge you to live confidently, expectant that our Lord is who he says he is and will do what he says he will do
“I LOVE this verse!!!!
Many of us who are seeking God's direction often turn to Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
But somehow I have missed this one in Jeremiah 33:3 ( NIV)
3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
In this verse God LOUDLY and CLEARLY tells us to:
- 'Call to Me' - Call out to him directly
- 'I will answer you' - not 'I might here you' 'I might answer you' 'I might lecture you'
- '(I will) tell you Great and Unsearchable things you do not know
Wow!..... Wow!
In LifePlan work - this is why we build the perspective of our life story and get awareness as to how we are designed as a foundation for stepping into the unknown. And - I would suggest - given that we have the choice to either:
a) 'go it alone' or
b) 'go at it with an all powerful God who loves us'
for me - I'll go with option 'b'
That's what this verse is about!!
When we are searching - God tells us to 'call out to him'.
He will not only answer us - he will do so with insights, wisdom and direction ….the 'Great and the Unsearchable'
I love this verse! :)
"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
Jeremiah 33:3
Israel was in a mess. Their disobedience and wayward living had caught up with them, and God allowed their enemies to not only win a great victory over them but to capture them. Jerusalem would be under siege -- something that Israel could not imagine.
However, while the prophet Jeremiah recorded the downward spiral of Israel's fate, he also chronicled their future restoration.
In a letter to those living in exile, Jeremiah writes, " 'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you' " Jeremiah 29:11-14).
Israel had sinned against God, but He had not forgotten His people. When they returned to their worship of the Lord, their hope was restored. The moment they began to seek God, He was moved by love to bring them home.
When we live for the pleasures of this world, we reap the emptiness of our quest. But when we live our lives for Jesus Christ, we gain a sense of unspeakable joy and eternal hope. Just as God has a plan for Israel, He has one for us. In order to know and live it, we must be willing to follow Christ in faith, trust, and obedience."
DSV is published daily and reproduced by permission. Check out the author's story below.
Any of us who endeavor to live the life our Lord desires for us to live lnows something about life being in a mess. So, are you living confidently, with great certainty of the Life Christ has called you to live? If not, let’s talk….
Diane's Story:From:
Date: August 23, 2010 7:08:16 PM GMT-04:00
Subject: Re: more about you :
Hi Linda,
So nice of you to want some info about me for your friend, but I don't want any credit for this ministry, I truly believe God wants me to do this. He is so involved in writing and sending out the DSVs. He gets the credit!!!
I am just a 69-yr old grandmother, who loves the Lord. He gave me this ministry back in 1997, and it is still going strong. Praise Him! I am thrilled when I hear from the brothers and sisters that a particular DSV was exactly what they needed that day. That's how I know it is God who guides me to the devotional He wants me to type up and send each day. I have a small library of Christian books and devotionals that are the source of the DSVs. I always put the name of the source (book) at the bottom of the page. I don't want any credit because -- I hate to repeat myself-- it is not me, it is God.
Tell your friend I appreciate his kind interest and desire to say something about me, God bless him, but info about me is not important. The message is what's important. I encourage him to forward them to as many people as possible. The important thing is to include the "from part" at the bottom of every DSV, because they are written by others, I just copy and send.
Linda, you are so special and I thank you again, for your encouragement, love and prayers.
God be with you always,